[Webinar replay] An insider’s look at government source selection – how it really works and what you need to know: Part 1 | Lohfeld Business Winning Webinar

Our two-part series examines the Federal Government acquisition and source selection life cycle with our experts in DOD, GSA, and civilian agency acquisition and source selections. We discuss:

  • Procurement Planning – How does the government prepare for their procurements? (Part 1)

  • Proposal Evaluations – What is the evaluator’s approach to evaluating and scoring proposals? (Part 1)

  • Bidder Discussions – What is the government’s approach to conducting discussions? (Part 2)

  • Making the Award – What are the government’s approach and considerations in making the source selection? (Part 2)

Who should watch: Listen to experts with first-hand knowledge of source selection and evaluation processes and gain insights to help improve your solicitation responses. Those involved in Executive Management, Business Development, Capture, Pricing, and Bid and Proposal (B&P) efforts will benefit from these sessions.

Register below to watch the webinar replay and download the presentation and handout.

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